Tag Archives: Fear

Monday Morning Wisdom #455

Jerry Seinfeld

“According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that seem right? That means to the average person, if you have to go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.” ~Jerry Seinfeld

OctPoWriMo2023 Day 4


Yes, I know today’s the sixth. I worked on this poem until 10:40 pm Thursday night and it wasn’t ready; I quit because I wanted to see Stephen Colbert’s monologue. Yes, I abandoned my poem for a few laughs. Don’t worry–I suffer enough for my art.

The Day 4 prompt was adapted from a prompt in The Poets & Writers Complete Guide to Being a Writer called “Help Yourself.” It says that the trick to reaching goals is to give advice to others. So with the goal of facing our fears write a poem that gives advice about how to face fear in general, or a specific fear, or fears. To keep this advice in the form of a poem, you may want to try a Villanelle.

I was determined to use the suggested form. I finished it this afternoon.

Bumps in the Night
by ARHuelsenbeck

What can you do when things go bump in the night,
when an unseen enemy rattles your door?
You have two choices, fight or flight.

What can you do when your throat is tight,
when fear shakes you to your core?
What can you do when things go bump in the night?

What can you do about your plight,
when your nerves are in an uproar?
You have two choices, fight or flight.

What do you see out in the moonlight,
who was it who just swore?
What can you do when things go bump in the night?

How can you hide when the moon is so bright?
Who can you call for?
You have two choices, fight or flight.

After a while, it all sounds trite.
You have to do something more.
What can you do when things go bump in the night?
You have two choices, fight or flight.

OctPoWriMo2023 Day 2


Today’s prompt: write the instructions for a ritual to keep fear away. It can be in the form of a prayer, chant or meditation, or can be step by step how to do the ritual. I chose not to use the suggested form, Ottava Rima.

The Antidote to Fear
When I am afraid, I will trust in you (Psalm 56:3).

My anxiety smothers me with the weight of a thousand anvils.
How can I carry it?

But I don’t have to.
I unburden myself by admitting I’m afraid.
I whisper my worst case scenario.
I lay my burden at Your feet.

Whatever happens, I know You will be with me. 
You will help me get through this.
You will guide me step by step.
I am not alone. 
I can do this with Your help.

NaPoWriMo 2023 Day 24


Today I’m using the Writer’s Digest prompt for Day 23: write a fear poem.

Recurring Nightmare
by ARHuelsenbeck

I look for my purse
and I realize I left it in a store.
I retrace my steps
and of course it’s not there.

My heart pounds.
I think of the money
and credit cards
and identification
and keys
in my purse
and how hard it will be
to safeguard or replace them.


I look for someone 
to help me.
Did anyone turn in a lost purse?
The store employee 
is no help at all.

I want to go to the bank
to cancel my credit cards
but I can’t drive there
because my keys are in my purse.

I want to call someone 
to come get me
but I can’t 
because my phone is in my purse.

What’s the matter with me?
Why did I put my purse down?

I start walking,
but why?
I’m miles away from home.
Too far to walk.

What do I do now?

Terror rises in my throat.
I just know someone
is happily maxing out my credit cards.
I walk in circles
as my panic escalates.
I talk to myself
and sob.
This is a disaster.

Monday Morning Wisdom #394

Monday Morning Wisdom #394

The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be.

~Anne Frank

OctPoWriMo2022 Day 19


First things first: I’m back! Back from my blogging break of six weeks. I did manage to free up just barely enough space in my study for my new Moxie quilting machine, which is coming home a week from tomorrow. More about that in a future post.

Usually I participate in two challenges in October, OctPoWriMo (October Poetry Writing Month) and Inktober (a drawing challenge). I zoned out and missed the start, but now that I have time to write again, I’m going to try to write poems (on odd-numbered days) and create ink drawings (on even-numbered days) for the rest of the month. Today, even though it’s the 19th, my poem is drawn from intersection of the prompts for days 13 (faith and flow) and 15 (surrendering fear):


O God
when I am afraid
I will trust in You
I surrender my fear
believing that You are in control
You see me
You love me
You know best what I need

I lay my concerns at Your feet
I let go
and I’m enveloped by Your Presence
Your peace flowing like a river
transcending all understanding
You know best what I need
I love You


Monday Morning Wisdom #382

Monday Morning Wisdom #382

I look at fear not as cowardice, but as a call forward, a summons to fight for what we hold dear. ~Amanda Gorman

From the Creator’s Heart #305


From the Creator’s Heart #208

From the Creator’s Heart #208

When I am afraid, I will trust in you (Psalm 56:3 NIV).

From the Creator’s Heart # 127

From the Creator’s Heart # 127

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9 NIV).