Monthly Archives: July 2021

One Last Card


Drawing (and painting) a person (or part of a person) almost every day in July for the Index-Card-a-Day Challenge and World Watercolor Month.

Day 61; Day 31

Click here to see the rest of my cards for these challenges.

Culmination of Index-Card-a-Day and World Watercolor Month Challenges


I love challenges. They motivate me to do the things I wish I was doing all year long, such as drawing or making art if not every day, at least every other day.

This was my sixth year participating in these two challenges. As of yesterday, I’d completed 51 out of 61 cards for ICAD and 24 out of 31 little paintings for World Watercolor Month.

Almost done

If I manage to do one today, I will post it later.

Instead of following the suggested prompts for each day, I chose to work through the first few chapters of The Complete Book of Drawing People by Barrington Barber. My goal for the month was to systematically get better at drawing people. I don’t know that I actually did that, but I tried. I confess there were a couple of sketches that were so unsatisfactory I threw them away without photographing them. All the rest, the good, the bad, and the ugly, I posted on ARHtistic License and on Instagram, not because I’m so delusional that I thought they were all good, but because all our efforts are significant, even when we fail miserably. I have nothing to lose by showing you my less successful endeavors, and I might even entice you to try what you’re dreaming of creating if you know that it’s okay to have a learning curve.

I’d like to share again the ones I like the best:

Day 13

Day 20

Day 24

Day 25

Day 35; Day 5

And this next one is my #1 favorite this year. You can see by the lines that didn’t get totally erased that this is a proportion study:

Day 37; Day 7

It’s funny how subjective our preferences are. On Instagram, this is my drawing that got the most likes:

Day 6

I’m guessing he looks like a lot of people’s best friend.

#dyicad2021 Day 60/ #WorldWatercolorMonth Day 30

Day 60/ Day 20

Creative Juice #253

Creative Juice #253

Funny stuff. Pretty stuff. Serious stuff.

  • Some of these will make you laugh and some will make you cry, but it’s all good.
  • Writers, should you write a cozy mystery?
  • Did you ever have a great idea, get started on it, take a break from it, and feel guilty about never getting back to it? Sometimes you just gotta let go.
  • Nathalie escorts us on a tour featuring murals in Jersey City.
  • More murals; these are from Montreal. (FYI, Norm no longer coordinates Thursday Doors. Go to No Facilities for those now.)
  • How to say no. Why to say no.
  • Love flowers? You’re gonna love these photos.
  • Black artists (and artists of color) lack the opportunities their white counterparts enjoy.
  • You might enjoy this Instagrammer’s paintings for World Watercolor Month.
  • You have to see these amazing crochet projects. (I’ll pass on the broccoli hat, but I want almost everything else.)
  • The most beautiful gifs I’ve ever seen. Depending on your internet connection, they might take a few moments to load, but hang on, they’re worth it.
  • A sculptor abandons metal in favor of fabric.

#dyicad2021 Day 59/ #WorldWatercolorMonth Day 29


Drawing (and painting) a person (or part of a person) every day in July for the Index-Card-a-Day Challenge and World Watercolor Month.

Day 59/ Day 29

Video of the Week #316: How an Artist’s Youthful Coding and Gaming Experience Influences Her Work


#dyicad2021 Day 58/ #WorldWatercolorMonth Day 28


Drawing (and painting) a person (or part of a person) every day in July for the Index-Card-a-Day Challenge and World Watercolor Month.

Day 58/ Day 28

Wordless Wednesday: Ubiquitous Scooters

Ubiquitous Scooters

#dyicad2021 Day 57/ #WorldWatercolorMonth Day 27


Of course, you knew I couldn’t do a two-month art challenge without including a unicorn:

Day 57/ Day 27

Muse in the Morning


An interesting thing happened the other morning, something I haven’t experienced in a long time.

I got woken up early, much earlier than I needed to get up. I went to the bathroom and got back into bed and cocooned myself (yes, I am one of those weirdos who must wrap up in a quilt, even in July in the Arizona desert), hoping to fall back asleep for another 45 minutes.

It didn’t happen.

Instead, I dozed, and my imagination began working on the seed of a poem.

You see, the night before I read about a wonderful contest the people at Palette Poetry are putting on. They are looking for a poem that “speaks to what poetry is and can be for our world today.”

Hmm. I don’t think I have a poem in my files that fits that bill. I wish I did, though, because the top prize is $4000. Now, that’s real money.

Believe it or not, in my half-asleep-half-awake state, my brain came up with a few stanzas that represent a good start on a great poem. When my alarm went off, I jogged straight to my laptop and typed it all down, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to remember it by my afternoon writing time.

Later, I googled “muse in the morning” to see what other people have written about this serendipitous phenomenon. I found two pieces of artwork by that name which I wish I could post here, but I couldn’t find any information on whether they are in the public domain, so, sorry. Then, while browsing writing blogs, I found this article, which describes a practice whereby you can activate your imagination by encouraging yourself into a dreamy state.

I am passing on the contest information and the dreamzoning article because we creatives are a supportive community. I know I’ve benefitted from advice from my writing friends and also from fellow writers online. Let’s continue to assist each other and cheer one another along. I wish you success.