Monthly Archives: March 2020

Kids Making Music

Kids Making Music

Back in the day, I was an elementary general music teacher. It gives me great pleasure to see kids having fun making beautiful music.

I’ve been a little bummed out, what with being confined to home. It’s affected my blogging life in that I just don’t feel excited about writing about stuff. I couldn’t come up with an idea for today’s post until I thought, What could be better or more life-affirming than kids making music? So I headed to YouTube. (Oh, yeah, like you haven’t been watching cat videos while stuck at home.)

A six year old at Carnegie Hall:

Three year old drummer:

Kids making music with found objects:

A six-year-old accompanies herself on ukulele:

Kids from all over the world cooperated to make this video. My students used to do this cup thing.

Seven year old guitarist:

You’ll recognize the three pieces in this medley played by nine- and ten-year-olds:

Hey, don’t you have an accordion stored under your bed? This would be a good time to pull it out and practice. . .

Monday Morning Wisdom #251

Monday Morning Wisdom #251

MMWIf you only do what you usually do, you’ll never know what you’re capable of doing. ~Josh Spector

Sunday Trees: Leafless Fig



See more Sunday Trees.

From the Creator’s Heart #248



Sculpture Saturday: Made by Rick


Photographed at the Tempe Festival of the Arts, Tempe, Arizona, Fall, 2016. The work of sculptor Rick Murphy.




More Sculpture Saturday.

Pandemic Silver Lining

Pandemic Silver Lining

I don’t like to be inconvenienced. It makes me grouchy.

When the first pandemic warnings came out, it felt like overreaction to me. So there’s a virus. Too bad.

When my supermarket-stocker son told me his store sold more in two days than they’d sold from Thanksgiving to Christmas, I was mystified. Why were people buying up all the paper products and canned foods?

One by one, all my weekly activities that I love got canceled: hand bell choir, church choir, folk dancing, bible study, Sunday worship, the quilting ministry, symphony concerts. Even the folk dance festival that I helped put together got canceled. I got grouchier.

My husband went into the hospital on March 11 for spinal surgery. He’d been struggling with vertigo for many months and tried a number of different treatments, but his dizziness and falls persisted. He had spinal stenosis, and surgery was his last option. The night before he asked me, “Is this elective surgery?” I didn’t know how to answer; his quality of life was so bleak. I decided that if his surgery was deemed not necessary, the hospital would have to tell us so.

Unfortunately, Greg hasn’t yet bounced back as expected. As of this writing, he’s been transferred to a skilled nursing facility. The last time I was allowed to visit him was March 20. As hard as that is on me, I suspect it’s even harder on him and our grown children who haven’t seen him since before the surgery. But as an older person with a compromised immune system, he’s probably in the safest possible place.

My older son just learned that the restaurant where he’s worked for 17 years has closed for good. I panicked when I heard that, but he’s already strategizing his job hunt.

I’m not telling you all my problems to elicit sympathy for me. Everyone has had to make sacrifices during this time. I know that most people have it worse than I do.


My real reason for writing this is to tell you what I’ve observed.

Members of every group I belong to have called me or texted me to ask how I’m doing or if there’s anything I need. Not just my children and my friends, but also my pastors and ministry leaders. Not just once, but multiple times. My son’s restaurant, before it closed, cooked food and gave it away for free. People are going out of their way to help others and anticipate needs. I went to the fabric store for some thread, and people were there picking up materials to make medical masks for the hospitals.

It just so happens that I have everything I need. My house is well stocked. But not being forgotten touches me deeply when so many people are struggling. It even makes me less grouchy.

Thank you for all you do in your communities. And if you need help, just ask.

Creative Juice #183

Creative Juice #183

Beauty is truth, truth beauty ~John Keats

In the Meme Time: What to Do While Self-Quarantined



Guest Post: The Art of the Kiss, by Joy of Museums


Thank you to Joy of Museums for this virtual tour of the kiss in art.


Hellelil and Hildebrand, the Meeting on the Turret Stairs by Frederic William Burton

The Kiss in Art

Cultural connotations of kissing vary widely. Depending on the culture and context, a kiss can express sentiments of love, passion, romance, sexual attraction, sexual arousal, affection, respect, greeting, friendship, and peace, among many others.

In some situations, a kiss is a ritual, formal or symbolic gesture indicating devotion, respect, or sacrament.

To continue with A Virtual Tour of the Kiss in Art, click here.

Video of the Week: Buy a Castle for $1M
