Tag Archives: Ammonite

Creative Juice #70

Creative Juice #70

Artistic ideas to inspire your weekend:

  1. Need some gift ideas for artistic peeps?
  2. Should you buy a watercolor book? Some considerations, as well as an interesting technique.
  3. Fabulous variations on the Zentangle pattern W2.
  4. Love to travel? Here, a blogger recalls some of her favorite trips.
  5. The opening credits of the movie Muse, which I have not seen. A little creepier than what I usually include in the Juice, but certainly creative.
  6. Intricate papercutting.
  7. Award-winning photographs.
  8. Beautiful glass.
  9. The Miracle Mural Project.
  10. Photographs of kids growing up in the Bronx.
  11. What is ammonite?
  12. Sketching surfers in Portugal.