Tag Archives: Muse

OctPoWriMo Day 11


Today’s prompt is write a letter to your muse.

o spirit of rhyme and rhythm
amuse me, muse
now tickle my imagination
with whistles of whimsy and whit
make the words flow from my pen
and paint pictures with their cadences
I am merely the stenographer who
captures the images and
mounts them on the page
you gave me this gift, this curse
now have your way with me
make me fertile with verse
don’t sit me here with an idle pen
and ideas that drift away like smoke
what do you have for me today
what little bit of cleverness
what wordplay what syllabic art
what chorus of rhyme and rhythm
what little ditty will you hum to me today


Guest Post: Not Inspired To Write Right Now? Here’s How To Get Unstuck, by Writer’s Relief


This article has been reprinted with the permission of Writer’s Relief, a highly recommended author’s submission service. We assist writers with preparing their submissions and researching the best markets. We have a service for every budget, as well as a free e-publication for writers, Submit Write Now! Visit our site today to learn more.


When life gets complicated, it can be hard to maintain your normal writing routine. You’re worried or distracted (or both!), your muse seems distant, and you’re just not feeling inspired. And if you do try to write, the end result seems merely so-so. Don’t get discouraged! If you’re not feeling inspired to write, Writer’s Relief has simple tips that can help you get unstuck and back on speaking terms with your muse.

How To Get Unstuck And Inspired To Write Again

Read Something New

If you’re a writer, you’re probably also a voracious reader. But if you want to counteract the burnout you’re currently feeling, mix it up and get out of your comfort zone! Read an author or genre that’s new to you. If you usually read science fiction, try a Western or a cozy mystery. If your favorite author is David Baldacci, pick up a book by Brandon Sanderson. Or, if most of your reading is fiction, switch to nonfiction and see where that leads you. Many writers regularly scan the newspapers (remember those?) for ideas and inspiration.

Listen To Music

Music is a wonderful source of inspiration, and author playlists continue to gain popularity. Writers have created inspirational playlists on many popular music streaming platforms, and you can listen in too! You can also create your own motivational playlist to get your muse humming along. You might consider going old school and playing vinyl records, which have resurfaced in a big way. Whether it’s classical music or classic rock ‘n’ roll, try listening to music you normally don’t tune in to—it’s a great way to shake it up, twist and shout, and work it on out!

Start A Collection

Author Ransom Riggs began collecting peculiar vintage photographs, but what he discovered is that the photos spoke to him. They each had their own story to tell, which Riggs wove together for his first novel, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. Ignite your creative spark by starting a collection of something that interests you. A coin collection may lead to ideas about what the money was used to buy or the foreign country it came from. Estate jewelry may inspire stories or poems about the person who might have worn a ruby brooch or silver airplane cuff links.

Take A Mini Road Trip

Countless novels were and are inspired by road trips, one of the most acclaimed being On the Road by Jack Kerouac. But you don’t have to drive across the country to find inspiration for your poem, short story, novel, or blog. Instead, take a drive (or a walk) around town using streets you don’t normally travel. Who lives in the old house on the dead-end street? Why are there so many pink flamingos on that corner lawn? Is that a chicken crossing the road, and where did it come from? You’ll be surprised to discover how much inspiration you can find right in your own neighborhood.

Visit Museums Online

Most museums have online virtual tours available. And you don’t have to limit yourself to art museums! Science, natural history, war, and archeology museums are all great places to find inspiration. So sit back, grab a cup of cocoa, and visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Louvre, or The Museum of Natural History—all while wearing your jammies!

Try Crafting Or A Hobby

Another way to beat writer’s block is to engage in a creative, non-writing activity to help your mind reset so you can be more receptive to inspiration. Crafting is a great way to do this! If you need some new material, why not plug in that sewing machine you got for your birthday three years ago? There are lots of easy sewing patterns on the Internet to try. Knitting and crocheting are also very popular right now. When you’re finished, you’ll enjoy a sense of accomplishment and perhaps be inspired—and you’ll have a new scarf, hat, or blanket as well!

A new hobby can also help you discover new routes to inspiration for your book, short story, poetry, or blog. How about genealogy? (What? Uncle Milt was a fighter pilot and part-time spy?) Astronomy, jigsaw puzzles, or bird-watching, anyone? To get started, check out the hobbies of these famous authors.

Send Snail Mail

Social media and e-mails have taken the place of mailing a letter via the postal service, but the art of letter writing has not disappeared entirely. Some authors believe it is actually easier to process thoughts with handwritten words. Joyce Carol Oates, Neil Gaiman, and Tom Wolfe all prefer writing their novels in longhand. So, if you’re seeking inspiration, pick up a pen and paper instead of sitting down with the laptop.

Mail everyone you know a card with a handwritten note inside, and the experience may reveal some insights or call to mind an event involving that person. You’ll be inspired, and they’ll love getting something from you in the mail!

Want more ways to get inspired and kick-start your creativity? We have a few articles that will help:

Post These Quotes: Workspace Inspiration To Keep You Motivated

Inspiration For Poets: 15 Ways To Breathe New Life Into Your Poetry

Starved For Inspiration? 12 Ideas To Get Your New Story Started

7 Ways To Find Writing Inspiration In Your Memories

Question: How do you get unstuck when you hit a writing slump?

In the Meme Time: Write Now



Creative Juice #70

Creative Juice #70

Artistic ideas to inspire your weekend:

  1. Need some gift ideas for artistic peeps?
  2. Should you buy a watercolor book? Some considerations, as well as an interesting technique.
  3. Fabulous variations on the Zentangle pattern W2.
  4. Love to travel? Here, a blogger recalls some of her favorite trips.
  5. The opening credits of the movie Muse, which I have not seen. A little creepier than what I usually include in the Juice, but certainly creative.
  6. Intricate papercutting.
  7. Award-winning photographs.
  8. Beautiful glass.
  9. The Miracle Mural Project.
  10. Photographs of kids growing up in the Bronx.
  11. What is ammonite?
  12. Sketching surfers in Portugal.