Tag Archives: Holly Lucero

Creative Juice #23

Creative Juice #23

Fifteen articles to inspire you in the New Year:

  • Glass miniature masterpieces.
  • These dogs, drawn by Holly Lucero, will give you nightmares.
  • A way to look at your subject so you can draw it more accurately.
  • Skyscrapers into infinity.
  • Please buy me a book illustrated by Tihomir Čelanović. I wish I could read the stories these drawings tell.
  • Breathtaking views of Paris, 1946.
  • I just love Suhita Shirodkar’s work. Take a peek at her sketchbook.
  • Here’s a cool zentangle technique.
  • You can turn a fail around.
  • Tips from people who have been around the block a few times.
  • Woody Guthrie’s New Year resolutions from 1943. I could make a few of these, even though I’m allergic to New Year resolutions.
  • I’m going to try this technique for watercolor backgrounds for zentangle.
  • The large-scale paintings of Salman Khoshroo. Be sure to watch the video of the artist at work. Fascinating.
  • A Christian’s take on creativity and mental illness. Though I’m also a Christian, I don’t believe exactly as she does, but it’s still an interesting essay. Warning: the video is decidedly unholy.
  • I’m thinking of participating in this challenge. How about you? It may help you reach one of your goals for 2017…